I am also looking to possible solutions to store pdfs & word documents.

But why wont you store in them in the filesystem instead of a database
unless your files are too small in which case it would be recommended
to use a database.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Daniel Doubleday
<daniel.double...@gmx.net> wrote:
> We are doing this with cassandra.
> But we cache a lot. We get around 20 writes/s and 1k reads/s (~ 100Mbit/s)
> for that particular CF but only 1% of them hit our cassandra cluster (5
> nodes, rf=3).
> /Daniel
> On Feb 4, 2011, at 9:37 AM, Brendan Poole wrote:
> Hi Daniel
> When you say "We are doing this" do you mean via NFS or Cassandra.
> Thanks
> Brendan
> <Signature.jpg>     Brendan Poole
>      Systems Developer
>       NewLaw Solicitors
>      Helmont House
>      Churchill Way
>      Cardiff
>      brendan.po...@new-law.co.uk
>      029 2078 4283
>      www.new-law.co.uk
> ________________________________
> From: Daniel Doubleday [mailto:daniel.double...@gmx.net]
> Sent: 03 February 2011 17:21
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Using Cassandra to store files
> Hundreds of thousands doesn't sound too bad. Good old NFS would do with an
> ok directory structure.
> We are doing this. Our documents are pretty small though (a few kb). We have
> around 40M right now with around 300GB total.
> Generally the problem is that much data usually means that cassandra becomes
> io bound during repairs and compactions even if your hot dataset would fit
> in the page cache. There are efforts to overcome this and 0.7 will help with
> repair problems but for the time being you have to have quite some headroom
> in terms of io performance to handle these situations.
> Here is a related post:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.cassandra.user/11190
> On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Brendan Poole wrote:
> Hi
> Would anyone recommend using Cassandra for storing hundreds of thousands of
> documents in Word/PDF format? The manual says it can store documents under
> 64MB with no issue but was wondering if anyone is using it for this specific
> perpose.  Would it be efficient/reliable and is there anything I need to
> bear in mind?
> Thanks in advance
> <Signature.jpg>     Brendan Poole
>      Systems Developer
>       NewLaw Solicitors
>      Helmont House
>      Churchill Way
>      Cardiff
>      brendan.po...@new-law.co.uk
>      029 2078 4283
>      www.new-law.co.uk
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