
 From a thrift client perspective using Cassandra, there are currently
2 options for deleting keys/columns/subcolumns:

1- One can use the "remove" call: which only takes a column path so
you can only delete 'one thing' at a time (an entire key, an entire
supercolumn, a column or a subcolumn)
2- A delete mutation: which is more flexible as it allows to delete a
list of columns an even a slice range of them within a single call.

The question I have is: is there a noticeable difference in
performance between issuing a remove call, or a mutation with a single
delete? In other words, why would I use the remove call if it's much
less flexible than the mutation?

...or another way to put it: is the remove call just there for
backwards compatibility and will be superseded by the delete mutations
in the future?


Josep M.

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