I am having an issue with "del CF[key]" not deleting data in CLI on 0.7.4.
Here is how I can reproduce:

1. create a CF with UUID as row key and run 'assume CF keys as lexicaluuid'
2. insert a row, with 62397363-7d4f-4b12-a1eb-f0cd29dca735 as key (just an
3. 'get CF['62397363-7d4f-4b12-a1eb-f0cd29dca735]' returns correct data
4. run 'del CF[62397363-7d4f-4b12-a1eb-f0cd29dca735]', which returns "row
5. 'get CF[62397363-7d4f-4b12-a1eb-f0cd29dca735] still returns all columns
with values
6. run 'assume CF keys as bytes'
7. 'list CF' returns 2 rows. Row 1 is the one from step2 with
'623973637d4f4b12a1ebf0cd29dca735' as key.  The extra row looks like a
tombstone with
as key.

Am I doing something wrong here?


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