On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 00:21:44 +0100 Courtney Robinson <sa...@live.co.uk> wrote: 

CR> Cool... Okay, the plan is to eventually not use thrift underneath,
CR> for the CQL stuff right?  Once this is done and the new transport is
CR> in place, or evening while designing the new transport, is this not
CR> something that's worth looking into again? I think it'd be a nice
CR> feature.

I'm assuming your question was tangential and not in the sense that
"fixing the transport will fix the reported issue."

There's https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2478 for a
custom non-Thrift protocol.  Most of the Cassandra developers feel
HTTP+JSON or XML is inadequate for this purpose; while this may be true
for some cases, it's also true that for many of the end users HTTP+JSON
or XML is easier to support and use from a client.  So I hope eventually
HTTP as the transport and JSON or XML as the serialization format are at
least an option.


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