is there a specific string I should be looking for in the logs that
isn't super obvious to me at the moment...

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:
> The place to start is with the statistics Cassandra logs after each GC.
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Sasha Dolgy <> wrote:
>> hi everyone,
>> the current nodes i have deployed (4) have all been working fine, with
>> not a lot of data ... more reads than writes at the moment.  as i had
>> monitoring disabled, when one node's OS killed the cassandra process
>> due to out of memory problems ... that was fine.  24 hours later,
>> another node, 24 hours later, another node ...until finally, all 4
>> nodes no longer had cassandra running.
>> When all nodes are started fresh, CPU utilization is at about 21% on
>> each box.  after 24 hours, this goes up to 32% and then 51% 24 hours
>> later.
>> originally I had thought that this may be a result of 'nodetool
>> repair' not being run consistently ... after adding a cronjob to run
>> every 24 hours (staggered between nodes) the problem of the increasing
>> memory utilization does not resolve.
>> i've read the operations page and also the
>> page.  i am
>> running defaults and 0.7.6-02 ...
>> what are the best places to start in terms of finding why this is
>> happening?  CF design / usage?  'nodetool cfstats' gives me some good
>> info ... and i've already implemented some changes to one CF based on
>> how it had ballooned (too many rows versus not enough columns)
>> suggestions appreciated
>> --
>> Sasha Dolgy
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

Sasha Dolgy

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