0.8 under load may turn out to be more stable and well behaving than any
release so far

Been doing a few test runs stuffing more than 1 billion records into a 12
node cluster and thing looks better than ever.
VM's stable and nice at 11GB. No data corruptions, dead nodes, full GC's or
any of the other trouble that plagued early 0.7 releases.

Still have to test more nasty stuff like rebalancing or recovering failed
nodes, but so far I would recommend anyone to consider  0.8 over 0.7.x if
setting up a new system


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Stephen Connolly <
stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Great work!
> -Stephen
> P.S.
>  As the release of artifacts to Maven Central is now part of the
> release process, the artifacts are all available from Maven Central
> already (for people who use Maven/ANT+Ivy/Gradle/Buildr/etc)
> On 3 June 2011 00:36, Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am very pleased to announce the official release of Cassandra 0.8.0.
> >
> > If you haven't been paying attention to this release, this is your last
> > chance, because by this time tomorrow all your friends are going to be
> > raving, and you don't want to look silly.
> >
> > So why am I resorting to hyperbole?  Well, for one because this is the
> > release that debuts the Cassandra Query Language (CQL).  In one fell
> > swoop Cassandra has become more than NoSQL, it's MoSQL.
> >
> > Cassandra also has distributed counters now.  With counters, you can
> > count stuff, and counting stuff rocks.
> >
> > A kickass use-case for Cassandra is spanning data-centers for
> > fault-tolerance and locality, but doing so has always meant sending data
> > in the clear, or tunneling over a VPN.   New for 0.8.0, encryption of
> > intranode traffic.
> >
> > If you're not motivated to go upgrade your clusters right now, you're
> > either not easily impressed, or you're very lazy.  If it's the latter,
> > would it help knowing that rolling upgrades between releases is now
> > supported?  Yeah.  You can upgrade your 0.7 cluster to 0.8 without
> > shutting it down.
> >
> > You see what I mean?  Then go read the release notes[1] to learn about
> > the full range of awesomeness, then grab a copy[2] and become a
> > (fashionably )early adopter.
> >
> > Drivers for CQL are available in Python[3], Java[3], and Node.js[4].
> >
> > As usual, a Debian package is available from the project's APT
> > repository[5].
> >
> > Enjoy!
> >
> >
> > [1]: http://goo.gl/CrJqJ (NEWS.txt)
> > [2]: http://cassandra.debian.org/download
> > [3]: http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/drivers
> > [4]: https://github.com/racker/node-cassandra-client
> > [5]: http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DebianPackaging
> >
> > --
> > Eric Evans
> > eev...@rackspace.com
> >
> >

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