Are you talking about minor (automatic) compactions ? Can you provide some more 
information on what's happening to make the node unusable and what version you 
are using? It's not lightweight process, but it should not hurt the node that 
badly. It is considered an online operation. 
Delaying compaction will only make it run for longer and take more resources. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 6 Jun 2011, at 20:14, David Boxenhorn wrote:

> Is there some deep architectural reason why compaction can't be
> replication-aware?
> What I mean is, if one node is doing compaction, its replicas
> shouldn't be doing compaction at the same time. Or, at least a quorum
> of nodes should be available at all times.
> For example, if RF=3, and one node is doing compaction, the nodes to
> its right and left in the ring should wait on compaction until that
> node is done.
> Of course, my real problem is that compaction makes a node pretty much
> unavailable. If we can fix that problem then this is not necessary.

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