I was thinking of leveraging ec2 snitch. But my question is then how do I
give replica placement options? 

Or can I give snitch as ec2snitch and write the nodes
cassandra-topology.prop and in give locator strategy at time of creating
keyspace as network topology strategy. But will it work?

And those who are struggling to deploy cassandra with across ec2 regions.

1. approach is to use milind's patch, it works but has some limitation.
2. openvpn is a good option but neverthless is futile with encryption
available in 0.8.0 cassandra
3. Vijay has come up with a patch and so far tested I have not seen any
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2452 - its marked to be
there in 0.8.2 release.


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