I'll start with my question: given a CF with comparator TimeUUIDType, what is the most efficient way to get the greatest column's value?
Context: I've been running cassandra for a couple of months now, so obviously it's time to start layering more on top :-) In my test environment, I managed to get pig/hadoop running, and developed a few scripts to collect metrics I've been missing since I switched from MySQL to cassandra (including the ever useful "select count(*) from table" equivalent). I was hoping to dump the results of this processing back into cassandra for use in other tools/processes. My initial thought was: new CF called "stats" with comparator TimeUUIDType. The basic idea being I'd store: stat_name -> time stat was computed (as UUID) -> value That way I can also see a historical perspective of any given stat for auditing (and for cumulative stats to see trends). The stat_name itself is a URI that is composed of "what" and any constraints on the "what" (including an optional time range, if the stat supports it). E.g. ClassOfSomething/ID/MetricName/OptionalTimeRange (or something, still deciding on the format of the URI). But, right now, the only way I know to get the "current" stat value would be to iterate over all columns (the TimeUUIDs) and then return the last one. Thanks for any tips, will