The extra () in the describe keyspace output is only there if the column 
comparator is the BytesType, the client tries to format the data as UTF8. 

Dont forget truncate is doing snapshots, so check the snapshots dir and delete 
things if you are using it a lot for testing. 

The 0 == 1 thing does not ring any bells. Let us know if it happens again. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 30 Jun 2011, at 02:13, wrote:

> I had a strange problem recently where I was unable to set the value of a 
> column
> to '0' (it always returned '1') but setting it to other values worked fine:
> [default@Test] set Urls['rowkey']['status']='1';
> Value inserted.
> [default@Test] get Urls['rowkey'];
> => (column=status, value=1, timestamp=1309189541891000)
> Returned 1 results.
> [default@Test] set Urls['rowkey']['status']='0';
> Value inserted.
> [default@Test] get Urls['rowkey'];
> => (column=status, value=1, timestamp=1309189551407616)
> Returned 1 results.
> This was on a one-node test cluster (v0.7.6) with no other clients; setting
> other values (e.g. '9') worked fine. However, attempting to set the value back
> to '0' always resulted in a value of '1'.
> I noticed this shortly after truncating the CF.
> The column family was shown as follows below. One thing that looks odd is that
> on other test clusters the Column Name is followed by a reference to
> the index, e.g. "Column Name: status (737461747573)" - but here it isn't.
> I was wondering if there was some interaction between truncating the CF and 
> the
> use of a KEYS index? (Presumably it would be safer to delete all data
> directories in order to wipe the cluster during experimentation, rather than
> truncating?)
> Unfortunately I'm not sure how to recreate the situation as this was a test
> machine on which I played around with various configurations - but maybe
> someone has seen a similar problem elsewhere? In the end I had to wipe the 
> data
> and start again, and all seemed fine, although the index reference is still
> absent as mentioned above.
> [default@Test] describe keyspace;
> Keyspace: Test:
> ...
>    ColumnFamily: Foo
>      default_validation_class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
>      Columns sorted by: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type
>      Row cache size / save period in seconds: 0.0/0
>      Key cache size / save period in seconds: 0.0/14400
>      Memtable thresholds: 0.5/128/60 (millions of ops/minutes/MB)
>      GC grace seconds: 864000
>      Compaction min/max thresholds: 4/32
>      Read repair chance: 1.0
>      Built indexes: [Foo.737461747573]
>      Column Metadata:
>        Column Name: status
>          Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type
>          Index Type: KEYS
> ...
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