On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're going to be mad at how simple the answer turns out to be. :)
> Nodes "own" the range from (previous, token], NOT from [token, next).
> So, the last node will get from (50, 75] and the first will get from
> (75, 0].

Okay i figured it must have been some thing like that, I half expected
as much.    So ... following the same example .. writing a token of
value 1

 int i = Collections.binarySearch([0,25,50,75], 1);

insertion point is 1, so binary search will return (-(1) - 1) =  -2
which then goes through   (-2+1) * -1 = 1

so 1 is returned to ringIterator as the start token ... makes sense.

It's just weird that the documentation refers to them as initialTokens
... as if they were the starting point, kind of sets the wrong mental
precedence.  Maybe i just had a different conceptual picture of how
things worked internally (shrug)

Thanks again,

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