Notice how users react to these things. At one point for example we decided
to add a ';' to the CLI.

The initial chapters on downloading and installing the product get the
reader started using Cassandra immediately. Then the bumps in the road
appear. The current version of Cassandra requires a semicolon to end each
statement in the command line interface (CLI) client - that 's missing in
the book. This is noted in the errata on the O'Reilly site as "unconfirmed",
and if you're coming from a MySQL/Oracle background it's something you might
try, otherwise, it's frustrating.

It confuses users and here is the kicker:

[default@app] use app; use app;
Syntax error at position 9: missing EOF at 'use'

You can not even put two statements on the same line. So the ';' is semi
useless syntax.

What have learned we learned from this?

[default@app] set people['ecapriolo']['last']='capriolo';
org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: cannot parse 'last' as hex

Ow dear... are you saying...
[default@app] set
Value inserted.

Is their a way to move things forward without hurting backwards
compatibility of the CLI?


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