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Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 4 Aug 2011, at 03:24, Jeremy Hanna wrote:

> Some quick thoughts that might be helpful:
> - use ephemeral instances and RAID0 over the local volumes for both 
> cassandra's data as well as the log directory.  The log directory because if 
> you crash due to heap size, the heap dump will be stored in the log 
> directory.  you don't want that to go in your root/OS partition.
> - probably want to stripe across AZs so that a single AZ failure doesn't 
> affect you as much.
> - for seeds, it's nice to use elastic ips so that your seed configuration 
> doesn't have to change if a node is replaced.
> - the ec2snitch makes it so each AZ appears as a rack wrt topology - simpler 
> as it inspects the ec2 metadata.  if you need more than one DC in your 
> cluster (we need a second virtual DC for analytics), you'll probably want to 
> use the property file snitch.  there's a cross region ec2snitch that's coming 
> in 1.0.
> would probably be good to add some ec2 specific tips in the wiki.  the page 
> that dave mentioned is a good step-by-step, but there's been a lot of 
> community knowledge accumulated about best practices in the year since that 
> was done.
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 8:28 AM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any manual or important notes I should know before I try to install 
>> Cassandra on EC2?
>> Thanks!

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