May be the same as ?

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Ryan Lowe <> wrote:
> yeah, sorry about that... pushed click before I added my comments.
> I have a cluster of 5 nodes using 0.8.4 where I am using counters.  One one
> of my nodes, every time I do a list command I get different results.  The
> counters jump all over the place.
> Any ideas?  I have run nodetool repair on all nodes.
> Thanks!
> Ryan
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Ryan Lowe <> wrote:
>> [default@Race] list CounterCF;
>> Using default limit of 100
>> -------------------
>> RowKey: Stats
>> => (counter=APP, value=7503)
>> => (counter=FILEUPLOAD, value=155)
>> => (counter=MQUPLOAD, value=4726775)
>> => (counter=PAGES, value=131948)
>> => (counter=REST, value=3)
>> => (counter=SOAP, value=44)
>> => (counter=WS, value=1943)
>> 1 Row Returned.
>> [default@Race] list CounterCF;
>> Using default limit of 100
>> -------------------
>> RowKey: Stats
>> => (counter=APP, value=93683)
>> => (counter=FILEUPLOAD, value=347)
>> => (counter=MQUPLOAD, value=14961065367)
>> => (counter=PAGES, value=183089568)
>> => (counter=REST, value=3)
>> => (counter=SOAP, value=44)
>> => (counter=WS, value=23972)
>> 1 Row Returned.
>> [default@Race] list CounterCF;
>> Using default limit of 100
>> -------------------
>> RowKey: Stats
>> => (counter=APP, value=7503)
>> => (counter=FILEUPLOAD, value=155)
>> => (counter=MQUPLOAD, value=4726775)
>> => (counter=PAGES, value=131948)
>> => (counter=REST, value=3)
>> => (counter=SOAP, value=44)
>> => (counter=WS, value=1943)
>> 1 Row Returned.
>> [default@Race] list CounterCF;
>> Using default limit of 100
>> -------------------
>> RowKey: Stats
>> => (counter=APP, value=7503)
>> => (counter=FILEUPLOAD, value=155)
>> => (counter=MQUPLOAD, value=4726775)
>> => (counter=PAGES, value=131948)
>> => (counter=REST, value=3)
>> => (counter=SOAP, value=44)
>> => (counter=WS, value=1943)

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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