Hi Paul,

Here's one idea: If you're going to write just once then read once after the
writes are finished, then you could disable minor compactions whilst
performing the writes. This will mean that all disk IO bandwidth will be
available for writes. After you have finished writing, re-enable minor
compactions and let compaction finish before doing your reads.



Sam Overton
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

On 18 August 2011 12:08, Paul Loy <ketera...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a program that crunches through around 3 billion calculations. We
> store the result of each of these in cassandra to later query once in order
> to create some vectors. Our processing is limited by Cassandra now, rather
> than the calculations themselves.
> I was wondering what settings I can change to increase the write
> throughput. Perhaps disabling all caching, etc, as I won't be able to keep
> it all in memory anyway and only want to query the results once.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated,
> Paul.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------
> Paul Loy
> p...@keteracel.com
> http://uk.linkedin.com/in/paulloy

Sam Overton
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

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