We're trying to bootstrap some new nodes and it appears when adding a new node 
that there is a lot of logging on hints being flushed and compacted.  It's been 
taking about 75 minutes thus far to bootstrap for only about 10 GB of data.  
It's ballooned up to over 40 GB on the new node.  I do 'ls -l 
$CASSANDRA/data/system | grep -i hint | wc -l' and it's over 2000.

Any idea why this would be happening and why it's going crazy flushing these 
files?  It's also trying to keep up and compacting them as well.

Completed flushing $CASSANDRA/data/system/HintsColumnFamily-f-1740-Data.db

Version 0.7.8 (upgrading from 0.7.6 right now)
Number of nodes: 20

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