> -If you perform a query for a specific row key and a column name, does
> it read the most recent SSTable first and if it finds a hit, does it
> stop there or does it need to read through all the SStables (to find
> most recent one) regardless of whether if found a hit on the most
> recent SSTable or not?
Reads all SSTables, as the only way to know which column instance has the 
highest time stamp is to read them all. 

> -  If I perform a slice query on a column range does cassandra iterate
> all the SS tables?
All SSTables that contain any data for the row. 

(background http://thelastpickle.com/2011/04/28/Forces-of-Write-and-Read/)

> So I am wondering which option would be most efficient from read point of 
> view.
I would go with the first, 64MB columns will be a pain. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 7/10/2011, at 7:50 AM, Ramesh Natarajan wrote:

> Lets assume I perform frequent insert & update on a column family..
> Over a period of time multiple sstables will have this row/column
> data.
> I have 2 questions about how reads work in cassandra w.r.t. multiple SS 
> tables.
> -If you perform a query for a specific row key and a column name, does
> it read the most recent SSTable first and if it finds a hit, does it
> stop there or does it need to read through all the SStables (to find
> most recent one) regardless of whether if found a hit on the most
> recent SSTable or not?
> -  If I perform a slice query on a column range does cassandra iterate
> all the SS tables?
> We have an option to  create
> 1st option:
> Key1 |  COL1 | COL2 | COL3 .....  <multiple columns >
> We need to perform a slice query to get  COL1-COL3 using key1.
> 2nd option:
> Key1 |  <COL as one column and have application place values of
> COL1-COLN in this one column>
> This key would be updated several times where the app would manage
> adding multiple values to the one column key. Our max col value size
> will be less than 64mb. When you need to search for a value, we would
> read the one column and the application would manage looking up the
> appropriate value in the list of values.
> So I am wondering which option would be most efficient from read point of 
> view.
> thanks
> Ramesh

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