The partitioner that comes with Solandra keeps groups of documents together
on the same node. The number of documents that stick together and define a
"shard" is set by the property.

The property relates to throughput.  If you are indexing to
one shard at a time you will effectively be writing to just one node (since
the docs are grouped together).  So if you have 4 nodes and set set >=4 you will load into all nodes at once.  Once thing to
consider, the more shards you have the more requests you make when you
execute a search.  So you don't want 100 shards with 5 nodes.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Jacob, Arun <> wrote:

> does the Solandra specific partitioner distribute data relatively equally
> across nodes? Is this influenced by the property? If I'm
> writing to 3 nodes, how would the default setting of 4 for this property
> affect the distribution of data across my nodes?
> From: Jake Luciani <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:03:22 -0700
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Solandra distributed search
> Solandra manages the "shard" parameters for you. you don't need to specify
> anything.
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Jeremiah Jordan <
>> wrote:
>> When using Solandra, do I need to use the Solr sharding synxtax in my
>> queries? I don't think I do because Cassandra is handling the "sharding",
>> not Solr, but just want to make sure.  The Solandra wiki references the
>> distributed search limitations, which talks about the shard syntax further
>> down the page.
>> From what I see with how it is implemented I should just be able to pick a
>> random Solandra node and do my query, since they are all backed by the same
>> Cassandra data store. Correct?
>> Thanks!
>> -Jeremiah
> --


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