
I'm too looking out for a similar thing. I guess this is a very common
requirement & may be soon provided as built-in functionality packed with
cassandra setup.

Btw nice to see if someone has ideas about how to implement this for now.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Alexander Konotop <
alexander.kono...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello :-)
> Does anyone have a working config with normal secure authentication?
> I've just installed Cassandra 1.0.0 and see that SimpleAuthenticate is
> meant to be non-secure and was moved to examples. I need a production
> config - so I've tried to write this to config:
> ------------
> authenticator: org.apache.cassandra.auth.AuthenticatedUser
> authority: org.apache.cassandra.auth.AuthenticatedUser
> ------------
> But during cassandra startup log says:
> ------------
> org.apache.cassandra.config.ConfigurationException: No default
> constructor for authenticator class
> 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.AuthenticatedUser'.
> ------------
> As I understand either AuthenticatedUser is a wrong class or I simply
> don't know how to set it up - does it need additional configs similar to
> access.properties or passwd.properties? Maybe there's a way to store
> users in cassandra DB itself, like, fore example, MySQL does?
> I've searched and tried lot of things the whole day but the only info
> that I found were two phrases - first told that SimpleAuth is just a
> toy and second told to look into source to look for more auth methods.
> But, for example, this:
> ------------
> package org.apache.cassandra.auth;
> import java.util.Collections;
> import java.util.Set;
> /**
>  * An authenticated user and her groups.
>  */
> public class AuthenticatedUser
> {
>    public final String username;
>    public final Set<String> groups;
>    public AuthenticatedUser(String username)
>    {
>        this.username = username;
>        this.groups = Collections.emptySet();
>    }
>    public AuthenticatedUser(String username, Set<String> groups)
>    {
>        this.username = username;
>        this.groups = Collections.unmodifiableSet(groups);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public String toString()
>    {
>        return String.format("#<User %s groups=%s>", username, groups);
>    }
> }
> ------------
> tells me just about nothing :-(
> Best regards
> Alexander

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