On Mon, 2011-10-31 at 09:07 +0100, Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> The read pattern of these rows is always in bulk so the chunk_length
> could have been much higher so to reduce memory usage (my largest
> sstable is 61G). 

Isn't CompressionMetadata.readChunkOffsets(..) rather dangerous here?

Given a 60G sstable, even with 64kb chunk_length, to read just that one
sstable requires close to 8G free heap memory...

Especially when the default for cassandra is 4G heap in total.


"Anyone who has attended a computer conference in a fancy hotel can tell
you that a sentence like "You're one of those computer people, aren't
you?" is roughly equivalent to "Look, another amazingly mobile form of
slime mold!" in the mouth of a hotel cocktail waitress." Elizabeth

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