
i have a question and need help...

I am using cassandra 1.* (3GB ram;4Cors) with 1 node (at first). I am saving 
different sizes (0.01mb – 600mb) of files and indexes in the db and i want to 
know whats the best size of a value in a column. If the optimal size is smaller 
then the filesize, i just split it in more columns.


I writed a test to find this size, but i am getting java heap excp. all the 
time, if i am writing/reading to much values in a row (without pause).

How i can fix this problem? i allready read 
(http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/MemtableThresholds) and also the cassandra – 

And i know there is no streaming L


Would help to decrese the flashsize of the memtable? (whould slow the reading 


Thanks for help or links:D


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