
I'm a new user of Cassandra and I think it's great.
Still, while developing my APP using Cassandra, I got stuck with some things and I'm not really sure that Cassandra can handle them at the moment.

So, first of all, does Cassandra allow for Counters and regular Keys to be located in the same ColumnFamily ?

Secondly, is there any way to dynamically set the TTL for a key ? In the sense that I have a key, I initially set it with no TTL, but after a while I decide that it should expire in 100 seconds. Can Cassandra do this ?

3. Can counters have a TTL ?

4. Is there any way to atomically reset a counter ? I read on the website that the only way to do it is read the variable value, and then set it to -value, which seems rather bogus to me.


Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

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