Re  Simpler "elasticity":

Latest opscenter will now rebalance cluster optimally



On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Chris Burroughs

>  - It would be super cool if all of that counter work made it possible
> to support other atomic data types (sets? CAS?  just pass a assoc/commun
> Function to apply).
>  - Again with types, pluggable type specific compression.
>  - Wishy washy wish: Simpler "elasticity"  I would like to go from
> 6-->8-->7 nodes without each of those being an annoying fight with tokens.
>  - Gossip as library.  Gossip/failure detection is something C* seems to
> have gotten particularly right (or at least it's something that has not
> needed to change much).  It would be cool to use Cassandra's gossip
> protocol as distributed systems building tool a la ZooKeeper.
> On 11/01/2011 06:59 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Two years ago I asked for Cassandra use cases and feature requests.
> > [1]  The results [2] have been extremely useful in setting and
> > prioritizing goals for Cassandra development.  But with the release of
> > 1.0 we've accomplished basically everything from our original wish
> > list. [3]
> >
> > I'd love to hear from modern Cassandra users again, especially if
> > you're usually a quiet lurker.  What does Cassandra do well?  What are
> > your pain points?  What's your feature wish list?
> >
> > As before, if you're in stealth mode or don't want to say anything in
> > public, feel free to reply to me privately and I will keep it off the
> > record.
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> >


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