Here's the situation. We're running a 2-node cluster on EC2 (v 0.8.6). Each
node writes data to a mounted EBS volume mounted on /mnt2.

On Dec. 9th, for some reason both instances were rebooted (not sure yet
what triggered the reboot). But the EBS volumes were not added to
/etc/fstab, and didn't mount upon reboot. Cassandra did auto-start without
any problems, created a new data folder on the system drive and started
writing there. We just found out about the issue today with users missing

So, to recap:

- each node contains data created since 12-09-2011, stored on the system
- each node has access to data created on or before 12-09-2011 on an EBS
- we need to move the data stored on the system drive to the EBS volume and
restart Cassandra into a stable state will all data available

What's the best way for me to do this?


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