If I create a column family with a comparator of:


Can I do an insert that has a column where a,b,c,t are set and an insert with 
a,b,t are set, or must I always set values for colums a,b,c,t? 

If I must always set values for all columns is that also true for dynamic 
column families where I have not defined column types?

On a side note attempting to do the following results in NULL being returned by 
the CLI which is probably a bug?

SET test['package_tags']['a@foo:t@b70801d0-2232-11e1-bfc2-0800200c9a66'] = 
SET test['package_tags']['a@foo:b@bar:t@0cb0d2a0-25c7-11e1-bfc2-0800200c9a66'] 
= '[\'libxslt\']';

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