Thanks.  Setting the broadcast address to the external IP address and setting 
the listen_address to seems to have fixed it.  Does that mean that all 
other nodes, even those on the same local network, will communicate with that 
node using it's external IP address?  It would be much better if nodes on the 
local network could use the internal IP address and only nodes not on the same 
network would use the external one.

----- Original Message -----
From: "aaron morton" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 12:42:54 AM
Subject: Re: internode communication using multiple network interfaces

I have 3 Cassandra nodes in one data center all on the same local network, 
which needs to replicate from an off site data center. Only 1 of the 3 nodes, 
called dw01, is externally accessible. 

If you want to run a multi data centre cluster, all the nodes in both data 
centers need to be able to connect to each other. 

When it comes to exposing nodes behind a fire wall broadcast_address can help, 
see the help in cassandra.yam and 

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton 
Freelance Developer 

On 9/02/2012, at 9:56 AM, Chris Hart wrote: 


I have 3 Cassandra nodes in one data center all on the same local network, 
which needs to replicate from an off site data center. Only 1 of the 3 nodes, 
called dw01, is externally accessible. dw01 has 2 network interfaces, one 
externally accessible and one internal. All 3 nodes talk to each other fine 
when I set dw01's listen_address to the internal IP address. As soon as I set 
the listen_address to the external IP address, there is no communication 
between dw01 and other 2 nodes. The other nodes should be able to send to 
dw01's external IP address (I can telnet from them to dw01 on port 7000 and 
7001 just fine), but dw01 obviously would need to use it's internal network 
interface to send anything to the other 2 nodes. Is this a setup that is 
possible with Cassandra? If not, any recommendations on how I could implement 


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