Version 0.8.9

We run a 2 node cluster with RF=2. We ran a scrub and after that ran the
clearsnapshot to remove the backup snapshot created by scrub. It seems that
instead of removing the snapshot, clearsnapshot moved the data files from
the snapshot directory to the parent directory and the size of the data for
that keyspace has doubled. Many of the files are looking like duplicates.

in Keyspace1 directory
156987786084 Jan 21 03:18 Standard1-g-7317-Data.db
156987786084 Mar  4 01:33 Standard1-g-8850-Data.db
118211555728 Jan 31 12:50 Standard1-g-7968-Data.db
118211555728 Mar  3 22:58 Standard1-g-8840-Data.db
116902342895 Feb 25 02:04 Standard1-g-8832-Data.db
116902342895 Mar  3 22:10 Standard1-g-8836-Data.db
93788425710 Feb 21 04:20 Standard1-g-8791-Data.db
93788425710 Mar  4 00:29 Standard1-g-8845-Data.db

Even though the nodetool ring command shows the correct data size for the
node, the du -sh on the keyspace directory gives double the size.

Can you guide us to proceed from this situation ?


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