Hi Maki,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I understand that snapshots are hard links. However, my understanding is that removing any hard-linked files just removes the link (decrementing the link counter of the file on disk) -- it does not delete the file itself nor remove any other links which may be pointing at the file. To confirm my understanding, I tested this in Windows by terminating Cassandra and then deleting all files in the snapshot dir. None of the corresponding files in the parent keyspace directory were removed.


On 3/13/2012 9:29 PM, Maki Watanabe wrote:
snapshot files are "hardlink"s of the original sstables.
As you know, on windows, you can't delete files opened by other process.
If you try to delete the "hardlink", windows thinks you try to delete
the sstables in production.


2012/3/14 Jim Newsham<jnews...@referentia.com>:

I'm using Cassandra 1.0.8, on Windows 7.  When I take a snapshot of the
database, I find that I am unable to delete the snapshot directory (i.e.,
dir named "{datadir}\{keyspacename}\snapshots\{snapshottag}") while
Cassandra is running:  "The action can't be completed because the folder or
a file in it is open in another program.  Close the folder or file and try
again".  If I terminate Cassandra, then I can delete the directory with no
problem.  Is there a reason why Cassandra must hold onto these files?


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