Not i don't sure about this:-)) I don't have very good knowns about Linux
VM managment. And for me looks very stange that swap grows, but not any
swap activity (i monitor it throw follow vmstat -s | grep 'pages swapped
out' | awk '{ print $1 }' and vmstat -s | grep 'pages swapped in' | awk '{
print $1 }'). So looks like that you right, and i has filled up my

2012/4/15 Віталій Тимчишин <>

> BTW: Are you sure system doing wrong? System may save some pages to swap
> not removing them from RAM simply to have possibility to remove them later
> fast if needed.
> 2012/4/14 ruslan usifov <>
>> Hello
>> We have 6 node cluster (cassandra 0.8.10). On one node i increase java
>> heap size to 6GB, and now at this node begin grows swap, but system have
>> about 3GB of free memory:
>> root@6wd003:~# free
>>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
>> Mem:      24733664   21702812    3030852          0       6792   13794724
>> -/+ buffers/cache:    7901296   16832368
>> Swap:      1998840       2352    1996488
>> And swap space slowly grows, but i misunderstand why?
>> PS: We have JNA mlock, and set  vm.swappiness = 0
>> PS: OS ubuntu 10.0.4(2.6.32-40-generic)
> --
> Best regards,
>  Vitalii Tymchyshyn

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