Yes in this cassandra model, time wouldn't be a column value, it would be 
part of the column name. Depending on how you want to access your data (give me 
all data points for time X) and how many separate datapoints you have for time 
X, you might consider packing all the data for a time in one column thru 
composite columnscolumn name: 2012-04-12T12:22:23.293/55/45/10 (where / is a 
human readable representation of the composite separator) in this case there 
wouldn't actually be a value, the data is just encoded in the column 
name.Obviously if you are storing dozens of separate datapoints for a timestamp 
than this gets out of hand quickly, and perhaps you need to go back to column 
names with time/fieldname format with a real value.the advantage tho of the 
composite key is that you eliminate all that constant blather about 'Wind' 
'Rain' 'Sunshine' in your data and only hold real data. (granted compression 
will probably help   here, but not having it all is even better).as for row 
  obviously that takes some experimentation on you part. You can bucket a row 
to be any time frame you want. If you feel that 15 minutes is the correct 
length of time given the amount of data you will write, then use 15 minutes. It 
it's 1 hour, use 1 hour. The only thing you have to figure out is a 'bucket 
time' definition that you understand, likely it's the timestamp of when that 
time period starts.As for 'rotating the row', perhaps it's just semantics, but 
there really is no such concept. You are at some point in time, and you want to 
write some data to the database.The steps are1) get the user2) get the 
timestamp of the current bucket based on 'now'3) build a composite key4) insert 
the data with that keyWhether that row existed before or is a new row has no 
bearing on your client code.  ----- Original Message -----From: "Trevor 

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