what version of cassandra are you using.  I found a big performance hit
when querying on the secondary index.

I came across this bug in versions prior to 1.1


Hope that helps.

2012/4/25 Jason Tang <ares.t...@gmail.com>

> And I found, if I only have the search condition "status", it only scan
> 200 records.
> But if I combine another condition "partition" then it scan all records
> because "partition" condition match all records.
> But combine with other condition such as "userName", even all "userName"
> is same in the 1,000,000 records, it only scan 200 records.
> So it impacted by scan execution plan, if we have several search
> conditions, how it works? Do we have the similar execution plan in
> Cassandra?
> 在 2012年4月25日 下午9:18,Jason Tang <ares.t...@gmail.com>写道:
> Hi
>>    We have the such CF, and use secondary index to search for simple data
>> "status", and among 1,000,000 row records, we have 200 records with status
>> we want.
>>   But when we start to search, the performance is very poor, and check
>> with the command "./bin/nodetool -h localhost -p 8199 cfstats" , Cassandra
>> read 1,000,000 records, and "Read Latency" is 0.2 ms, so totally it used
>> 200 seconds.
>>   It use lots of CPU, and check the stack, all thread in Cassandra is
>> read from socket.
>>   So I wonder, how to really use index to find the 200 records instead of
>> scan all rows. (Supper Column?)
>> *ColumnFamily: queue*
>> *      Key Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType*
>> *      Default column value validator:
>> org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType*
>> *      Columns sorted by: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType*
>> *      Row cache size / save period in seconds / keys to save : 0.0/0/all
>> *
>> *      Row Cache Provider:
>> org.apache.cassandra.cache.ConcurrentLinkedHashCacheProvider*
>> *      Key cache size / save period in seconds: 0.0/0*
>> *      GC grace seconds: 0*
>> *      Compaction min/max thresholds: 4/32*
>> *      Read repair chance: 0.0*
>> *      Replicate on write: false*
>> *      Bloom Filter FP chance: default*
>> *      Built indexes: [queue.idxStatus]*
>> *      Column Metadata:*
>> *        Column Name: status (737461747573)*
>> *          Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType*
>> *          Index Name: idxStatus*
>> *          Index Type: KEYS*
>> *
>> *
>> BRs
>>  //Jason

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