Counter columns do not support a TTL. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 15/05/2012, at 12:20 AM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:

> Hi!
> I saw that when Counter CF were first introduced there was no support for 
> TTL. 
>    CLI does not provide TTL for counter columns. 
> Hector does seem to provide an interface for setting TTL for HCounterColumn, 
> but when I list the content of the CF I don't see the TTL as I see for 
> regular CFs.
> So does a counter column have TTL or not?
> I actually don't have an issue of big rows, but I don't need the data after a 
> two weeks or so, so it seems a shame to clutter the DB with it.
> Thanks,
> Tamar Fraenkel 
> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media 
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