aaron morton <aaron <at> thelastpickle.com> writes:

> Did you restart ? All good?
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
>  <at> aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 27/04/2012, at 9:49 AM, Bryce Godfrey wrote:
> This is the second node I’ve joined to my cluster in the last few days, and 
so far both have become stuck at 100% on a large file according to netstats.  
This is on 1.0.9, is there anything I can do to make it move on besides 
restarting Cassandra?  I don’t see any errors or warns in logs for 
either server, and there is plenty of disk space.
> On the sender side I see this:
> Streaming to: /
>    /opt/cassandra/data/MonitoringData/PropertyTimeline-hc-80540-Data.db 
sections=1 progress=82393861085/82393861085 - 100%
> On the node joining I don’t see this file in netstats, and all pending 
streams are sitting at 0%

we have the same problem (1.0.7) , our netstats log is like this:

Streaming to: /
   sections=1234 progress=3256666/3256666 - 100%
   sections=4386 progress=0/1025272214 - 0%
   sections=2956 progress=0/17826723 - 0%
   sections=3792 progress=0/56066299 - 0%
   sections=4384 progress=0/90941161 - 0%
   sections=3958 progress=0/54729557 - 0%
   sections=766 progress=0/2605165 - 0%
Streaming to: /
   sections=3228 progress=29175698/29175698 - 100%
   sections=2102 progress=0/618938 - 0%
   sections=3044 progress=0/1996687 - 0%
   sections=2773 progress=0/1374636 - 0%
   sections=3150 progress=0/22111512 - 0%
 Nothing streaming from /
 Nothing streaming from /
Pool Name                    Active   Pending      Completed
Commands                        n/a         1       23825242
Responses                       n/a        25       19644808

After restart, the pending streams are cleared, but next time we do 
"nodetool repair -pr" again, the pending still happened. And this always 
happend on same node(we have total 12 nodes).


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