Are the old machines listed in the seed list on the new ones ?


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 9/06/2012, at 12:10 AM, Nicolas Lalevée wrote:

> I had a configuration where I had 4 nodes, data-1,4. We then bought 3 bigger 
> machines, data-5,7. And we moved all data from data-1,4 to data-5,7.
> To move all the data without interruption of service, I added one new node at 
> a time. And then I removed one by one the old machines via a "remove token".
> Everything was working fine. Until there was an expected load on our cluster, 
> the machine started to swap and become unresponsive. We fixed the unexpected 
> load and the three new machines were restarted. After that the new cassandra 
> machines were stating that some old token were not assigned, namely from 
> data-2 and data-4. To fix this I issued again some "remove token" commands.
> Everything seems to be back to normal, but on the network I still see some 
> packet from the new cluster to the old machines. On the port 7000.
> How I can tell cassandra to completely forget about the old machines ?
> Nicolas

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