Not commenting on the GC advice but Cassandra memory usage has improved a lot 
since that was written. I would take a look at what was happening and see if 
tweeking Cassandra config helped before modifying GC settings.

> " 88): Heap is .9934 full." Is this expected? or
> should I adjust my flush_largest_memtable_at variable.
flush_largetsmemtable_at is a a safety valve only. Reducing it may help avid 
OOM, by it will not treat the cause. 

What version are you using ? 

1.0.0 had a an issue where deletes were not taken into consideration 
( but this does 
not sound like the same problem. 

Take a look in the logs on the machine and see if it was associated with a 
compaction or repair operation. 

I would also consider experimenting on one node with 8GB / 800MB heap sizes. 
More is not always better. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 14/06/2012, at 8:05 PM, rohit bhatia wrote:

> Looking at
> and server logs, I think my situation is this
> "The default cassandra settings has the highest peak heap usage. The
> problem with this is that it raises the possibility that during the
> CMS cycle, a collection of the young generation runs out of memory to
> migrate objects to the old generation (a so-called concurrent mode
> failure), leading to stop-the-world full garbage collection. However,
> with a slightly lower setting of the CMS threshold, we get a bit more
> headroom, and more stable overall performance."
> I see concurrentMarkSweep system.log Entries trying to gc 2-4 collections.
> Any suggestions for preemptive measure for this would be welcome.

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