
I am running into timeout issues using composite columns in cassandra 1.1.1 and 
cql 3.

My keyspace and table is defined as the following:

create keyspace bn_logs
    with strategy_options = [{replication_factor:1}]
    and placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy';

  id text,
  ref text,
  time bigint,
  datum text,
  PRIMARY KEY(id, ref, time)

I import some data to the table by using a combination of the thrift interface 
and the hector Composite.class by using its serialization as the column name:

Column col = new Column(composite.serialize());

This all seems to work fine until I try to execute the following query which 
leads to a request timeout:

SELECT datum FROM logs WHERE id='861' and ref = 'raaf' and time > '3000';

I really would like to figure out, why running this query on my laptop (single 
node, for development) will not finish. I also would like to know if the 
following query would actually work

SELECT datum FROM logs WHERE id='861' and ref = 'raaf*' and time > '3000';

or how else there is a way to define a range for the second component of the 
column key?

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance and kind regards

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