Hi folks,

I have an interesting problem in Cassandra 1.1.2, a Google Search
wasn't much help, so I thought I'd ask here.

Essentially, I have a "problem keyspace" in my 2-node cluster that
keeps me from changing the replication factor on a specific keyspace.
It's probably easier to show what I'm seeing in cassandra-cli:

[default@foobar] update keyspace test1 with strategy_options =
Waiting for schema agreement...
... schemas agree across the cluster
[default@foobar] update keyspace test1 with strategy_options =
Waiting for schema agreement...
... schemas agree across the cluster

Even though keyspace "test1" had a replication_factor of 1 to start
with, each of the above UPDATE KEYSPACE commands caused a new UUID to
be generated for the schema, which I assume is normal and expected.

Then I try it with the problem keyspace:

[default@foobar] update keyspace foobar with strategy_options =
Waiting for schema agreement...
... schemas agree across the cluster

Note that the UUID did not change, and the replication_factor in the
underlying database did not change either.

The funny thing is that foobar had a replication_factor of 1
yesterday, then I brought my second node online and changed the
replication_factor to 2 without incident.  I only ran into issues when
I tried changing it back to 1.

I tried running "nodetool clean" on both nodes, but the problem persists.

Any suggestions?


-- Doug


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