Hi Brandon,

> Increasing CL is tricky for us for now, as our RF on that datacenter is 2

> > and CL is set to ONE. If we make the CL to be LOCAL_QUORUM, then, if a
> node
> > goes down we will have trouble. I will try to increase the RF to 3 in
> that
> > data center and set the CL to LOCAL_QUORUM if nothing works out.
> Increasing the RF and and using LOCAL_QUORUM is the right thing in
> this case.  By choosing CL.ONE, you are agreeing that read misses are
> acceptable.  If they are not, then adjusting your RF/CL is the only
> path.

Alright, lets assume I want to go on this route. I have RF=2 in the data
center and I believe I need at least RF=3 to set the replication to
LOCAL_QUORUM and hide the node failures. But if I increase the RF to 3 now
then won't it trigger more read misses until repair completes? Given this
is a production cluster which can not afford downtime, how can we do this?


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