> > ERROR 09:02:38,614 Error in ThreadPoolExecutor
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to 
> > position 93069003 in /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db 
> > (65737276 bytes) in read-only mode
> This one looks like an error.
> Can you run nodetool with DEBUG level logging and post the logs ?

Some of the error in the sstableloader

DEBUG [Thread-24] 2012-08-16 22:01:02,494 FileUtils.java (line 51) Deleting 
DEBUG [Thread-24] 2012-08-16 22:01:02,495 SSTable.java (line 146) Deleted 
INFO [Thread-24] 2012-08-16 22:01:02,495 StreamInSession.java (line 144) 
Streaming of file /opt/test/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-2400-Data.db 
sections=2 progress=0/-25429537 - 0% from 
org.apache.cassandra.streaming.StreamInSession@e66db21 failed: requesting a 
ERROR [Thread-24] 2012-08-16 22:01:02,496 AbstractCassandraDaemon.java (line 
139) Fatal exception in thread Thread[Thread-24,5,main]
java.lang.AssertionError: attempted to delete non-existing file 
at org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils.deleteWithConfirm(FileUtils.java:49)

DEBUG [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-08-16 22:01:08,571 LoadBroadcaster.java (line 86) 
Disseminating load info ...  

Filippo Diotalevi

On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 22:53, aaron morton wrote:

> > WARN 09:02:38,534 Unable to instantiate cache provider 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.SerializingCacheProvider; using default 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.ConcurrentLinkedHashCacheProvider@5d59054d 
> > instead
> Happens when JNA is not in the path. Nothing to worry about when using the 
> sstableloader.  
> > ERROR 09:02:38,614 Error in ThreadPoolExecutor
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to 
> > position 93069003 in /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db 
> > (65737276 bytes) in read-only mode
> This one looks like an error.  
> Can you run nodetool with DEBUG level logging and post the logs ?  
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 15/08/2012, at 9:32 PM, Filippo Diotalevi <fili...@ntoklo.com 
> (mailto:fili...@ntoklo.com)> wrote:
> > Hi,  
> > we are trying to use SSTableLoader to bootstrap a new 7-node cassandra (v. 
> > 1.0.10) cluster with the snapshots taken from a 3-node cassandra cluster. 
> > The new cluster is in a different data centre.  
> >  
> > After reading the articles at
> > [1] http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/bulk-loading
> > [2] 
> > http://geekswithblogs.net/johnsPerfBlog/archive/2011/07/26/how-to-use-cassandrs-sstableloader.aspx
> >  
> > we are tried to follow this procedure  
> > 1) we took a snapshot of our keyspaces in the old cluster and moved them to 
> > the data folder of 3 of the new machines
> > 2) started cassandra in the new cluster
> > but we noticed that some column families were missing, other had missing 
> > data.
> >  
> > After that we tried to use sstableloader
> > 1) we reinstalled cassandra in the new cluster
> > 2) run sstableloader (as explained in [2]) to load the keyspaces
> >  
> > SSTableLoader starts, but the progress is always 0 and the transfer rate is 
> > 0MB/s. Some warning and exceptions are present in the logs
> >  
> > ./sstableloader /opt/analytics/analytics/
> > Starting client (and waiting 30 seconds for gossip) ...
> > Streaming revelant part of /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-105-Data.db 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-106-Data.db 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-107-Data.db 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-108-Data.db to [/1x.xx.xx.xx5, 
> > /1x.xx.xx.xx7, /1x.xx.xx.xx0, /1x.xx.xx.xx7, /1x.xx.xx.xx3, /1x.xx.xx.xx8, 
> > /1x.xx.xx.xx7]
> > WARN 09:02:38,534 Unable to instantiate cache provider 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.SerializingCacheProvider; using default 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.ConcurrentLinkedHashCacheProvider@5d59054d 
> > instead
> > WARN 09:02:38,549 Unable to instantiate cache provider 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.SerializingCacheProvider; using default 
> > org.apache.cassandra.cache.ConcurrentLinkedHashCacheProvider@5d59054d 
> > instead
> >  
> >  
> > [….]
> > ERROR 09:02:38,614 Error in ThreadPoolExecutor
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to 
> > position 93069003 in /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db 
> > (65737276 bytes) in read-only mode
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.unchecked(FBUtilities.java:689)
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedRunnable.run(WrappedRunnable.java:34)
> > at 
> > java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
> > at 
> > java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
> > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
> > Caused by: java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to position 93069003 in 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db (65737276 bytes) in read-only 
> > mode
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.io.util.RandomAccessReader.seek(RandomAccessReader.java:253)
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.streaming.FileStreamTask.stream(FileStreamTask.java:136)
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.streaming.FileStreamTask.runMayThrow(FileStreamTask.java:91)
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedRunnable.run(WrappedRunnable.java:30)
> > ... 3 more
> > Exception in thread "Streaming:1" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> > java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to position 93069003 in 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db (65737276 bytes) in read-only 
> > mode
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.unchecked(FBUtilities.java:689)
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedRunnable.run(WrappedRunnable.java:34)
> > at 
> > java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
> > at 
> > java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
> > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
> > Caused by: java.io.EOFException: unable to seek to position 93069003 in 
> > /opt/analytics/analytics/chart-hd-104-Data.db (65737276 bytes) in read-only 
> > mode
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.io.util.RandomAccessReader.seek(RandomAccessReader.java:253)
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.streaming.FileStreamTask.stream(FileStreamTask.java:136)
> > at 
> > org.apache.cassandra.streaming.FileStreamTask.runMayThrow(FileStreamTask.java:91)
> > at org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedRunnable.run(WrappedRunnable.java:30)
> > ... 3 more
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > ---------------
> >  
> >  
> > What's the correct approach to migrate data from one cluster to another? 
> > How can I troubleshoot the problem with sstableloader?  
> >  
> > Thanks,
> > --  
> > Filippo Diotalevi

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