We see similar issues with some of the repairs at Netflix.

Regarding the growth in payload… we see similar symptoms where nodes can double 
or triple size.  Part of this may be because the repair may deal in large 
chunks for comparisons.  This means that even if there is one byte of entropy, 
you copy over a large chunk.  Another reason for the large growth is that if 
node A is inconsistent with replicas on B and C, you will copy over multiple 
sets of large chunks (one from each of the replicas) - even more sets in a 
multi datacenter environment.  (We are still investigating/analyzing the causes 
of such occurrences in our clusters – the above explanation is a possible 

Are you only seeing growth on one node in the system?  You might want to check 
if other nodes logs show gossip issues with this node (and then check if you 
are creating a lot of hints and check your hint settings to make sure you save 
and replay them) and that may be why you see this even on back to back 

It is worth noting that we do major compactions (I am not suggesting you do 
this, just pointing it out for reference) and then see the payload shrink back 
down to normal.  So a lot of that payload increase appears to be redundant 
(most likely due to the chunking issue above).

Regarding processing time… Are you repairing each node serially? Are you 
repairing with primary range option?
AFAIK … You most likely want to use –pr.  Otherwise the further you get into 
the list of nodes, the more data has to go through the validation compaction 
(because you increased the size of some of your nodes).  Using –pr means you 
only repair a range once when repairing the cluster.  Without it, you repair 
the range on each node/replica.


From: aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com<mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>>
Reply-To: <user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:40:54 +1200
To: <user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: nodetool repair uses insane amount of disk space

I would take a look at the replication: whats the RF per DC and what does 
nodetool ring say. It's hard (as in no recommended) to get NTS with rack 
allocation working correctly. Without know much more I would try to understand 
what the topology is and if it can be simplified.

Additionally, the repair process takes (what I feel is) an extremely long time 
to complete (36+ hours), and it always seems that nodes are streaming data to 
each other, even on back-to-back executions of the repair.
Run some metrics to clock the network IO during repair.
Also run an experiment to repair a single CF twice from the same node and look 
at the logs for the second run. This will give us an idea of how much data is 
being transferred.
Note that very wide rows can result in large repair transfers as the whole row 
is diff'd and transferred if needed.

Hope that helps.

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 17/08/2012, at 11:14 AM, Michael Morris 
<michael.m.mor...@gmail.com<mailto:michael.m.mor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Upgraded to 1.1.3 from 1.0.8 about 2 weeks ago.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:57 PM, aaron morton 
<aa...@thelastpickle.com<mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>> wrote:
What version are using ? There were issues with repair using lots-o-space in 
0.8.X, it's fixed in 1.X


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 17/08/2012, at 2:56 AM, Michael Morris 
<michael.m.mor...@gmail.com<mailto:michael.m.mor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Occasionally as I'm doing my regular anti-entropy repair I end up with a node 
that uses an exceptional amount of disk space (node should have about 5-6 GB of 
data on it, but ends up with 25+GB, and consumes the limited amount of disk 
space I have available)

How come a node would consume 5x its normal data size during the repair process?

My setup is kind of strange in that it's only about 80-100GB of data on a 35 
node cluster, with 2 data centers and 3 racks, however the rack assignments are 
unbalanced.  One data center has 8 nodes, and the other data center is split 
into 2 racks with one rack of 9 nodes, and the other with 18 nodes.  However, 
within each rack, the tokens are distributed equally. It's a long sad story 
about how we ended up this way, but it basically boils down to having to 
utilize existing resources to resolve a production issue.

Additionally, the repair process takes (what I feel is) an extremely long time 
to complete (36+ hours), and it always seems that nodes are streaming data to 
each other, even on back-to-back executions of the repair.

Any help on these issues is appreciated.

- Mike

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