Hi Amit,

> 1) how to manually add data into it using cassandra-cli. i tried this
> type, but got the error:
>          set UserMovies['user1']['userid'] = 'USER-1';
> but got error message: *Column family movieconsumed may only contain
> SuperColumns*

I can't really see why you need a SC here since your example is not
representative, it would be better if you exemplify with accurate or
meaningful data.

In this case the error is because you have one element missing in the
column path, you are doing this:

UserMovies : {
   user1 : {

That is:
- Column family = UserMovies
- Row Key = user1
- Column name = userid
- Column value = USER-1

As you see you have the super column missing in your update sentence.

Given this example

> USER-1(userid) -- MOVIEABCD (movie) -- 9 (rating)

I think you don't need a SC, make the user the row key, movie the column
name and rating the column value.

> 2) as i want to make query to fetch peer movies name for particular
> UserMovie(column name movie) for user(userid: user-1).
> How i can perform this query using Hector api (from two super column
> families UserMovies and movieSimilarity).
Didn't understand your query.


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