If you are still having problems can you post the query and the output from 
nodetool cfstats on one of the nodes that fails ? 

cfstats will tell us if the secondary index was built. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 25/08/2012, at 6:02 AM, Roshni Rajagopal <roshni.rajago...@wal-mart.com> 

> What does List my_column_family in CLI show on all the nodes?
> Perhaps the syntax u're using isn't correct?  You should be getting the
> same data on all the nodes irrespective of which node's CLI you use.
> The replication factor is for redundancy to have copies of the data on
> different nodes to help if nodes go down. Even if you had a replication
> factor of 1 you should still get the same data on all nodes.
> On 24/08/12 11:05 PM, "Richard Crowley" <r...@rcrowley.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Richard Crowley <r...@rcrowley.org> wrote:
>>> I have a three-node cluster running Cassandra 1.0.10.  In this cluster
>>> is a keyspace with RF=3.  I *updated* a column family via Astyanax to
>>> add a column definition with an index on that column.  Then I ran a
>>> backfill to populate the column in every row.  Then I tried to query
>>> the index from Java and it failed but so did cassandra-cli:
>>>    get my_column_family where my_column = 'my_value';
>>> Two out of the three nodes are unable to query the new index and throw
>>> this error:
>>>    InvalidRequestException(why:No indexed columns present in index
>>> clause with operator EQ)
>>> The third is able to query the new index happily but doesn't find any
>>> results, even when I expect it to.
>> This morning the one node that's able to query the index is also able
>> to produce the expected results.  I'm a dummy and didn't use science
>> so I don't know if the `nodetool compact` I ran across the cluster had
>> anything to do with it.  Regardless, it did not change the situation
>> in any other way.
>>> `describe cluster;` in cassandra-cli confirms that all three nodes
>>> have the same schema and `show schema;` confirms that schema includes
>>> the new column definition and its index.
>>> The my_column_family.my_index-hd-* files only exist on that one node
>>> that can query the index.
>>> I ran `nodetool repair` on each node and waited for `nodetool
>>> compactionstats` to report zero pending tasks.  Ditto for `nodetool
>>> compact`.  The nodes that failed still fail.  The node that succeeded
>>> still succeed.
>>> Can anyone shed some light?  How do I convince it to let me query the
>>> index from any node?  How do I get it to find results?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Richard
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