On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:14 AM, Adeel Akbar
<adeel.ak...@panasiangroup.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am going to implement Apache Cassandra in two different data-center with 2
> nodes in each ring.  I also need to set replica 2 factor in same data
> center. Over the data center data should be replicates between both data
> center rings. Please help me or provide any document which help to implement
> this model.


has good info on building a multi-DC cluster.

That said, 2 nodes per-DC means you can't use LOCAL_QUORUM/QUORUM for
read & writes.  I would strongly suggest 3 nodes per DC if you care
about consistent reads.  Generally speaking, 3 nodes per-DC is
considered the recommended minimum number of nodes for a production

Aaron Turner
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