One node in my cluster stay in "joining". I found a jira about this, which is 
fixed,but still sees the similar thing. This is a node I remove the token first 
becauseit did not boot correctly and re-joined in the cluster without any 
pre-set token(shouldI set the previous token?).
As you see below, the node(yyyy)'s state is Joining and Effective-Ownership is 
0.00 %for more than 10 hours. But the Load keeps on increasing.
Also I noticed in the gossipinfo, the status of the node is BOOT while other 
node is NORMAL.
So, how can I get the status of the node to NORMAL?
$ nodetool -h `hostname` ringAddress            DC       Rack            Status 
     Load        State      Load      Effe...xxxx       datacenter1     rack1   
        Up             Normal   122.41 MB        4.27 %.........yyyy      
datacenter1     rack1           Up            Joining        371.33 MB    0.00 %

$ nodetool -h `hostname` gossipinfo........yyyy/   
RELEASE=VERSION:1.1.4   LOAD:3.89343423E8   STATUS:BOOT, 123123123....1312.   

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