> or how to solve it?
Simple solution is move to m1.xlarge :)

> In the last 3 days I see many messages of "READ messages dropped in last 
> 5000ms" on one of my 3 nodes cluster.
The node is not able to keep up with the load. 

Possible causes include excessive GC, aggressive compaction, or simply too many 

it also a good idea to take a look at iostat to see if the disk is keeping up. 

Hope that helps 
Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 9/10/2012, at 9:08 AM, Tamar Fraenkel <ta...@tok-media.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> In the last 3 days I see many messages of "READ messages dropped in last 
> 5000ms" on one of my 3 nodes cluster.
> I see no errors in the log.
> There are also messages of "Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to endpoint" 
> but I had those for a while now, so I don't know if they are related.
> I am running Cassandra 1.0.8 on a 3 node cluster on EC2 m1.large instances. 
> Rep factor 3 (Quorum read and write)
> Does anyone have a clue what I should be looking for, or how to solve it?
> Thanks,
> Tamar Fraenkel 
> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media 
> <tokLogo.png>
> ta...@tok-media.com
> Tel:   +972 2 6409736 
> Mob:  +972 54 8356490 
> Fax:   +972 2 5612956 

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