For committed changes

For interesting changer per release

For the road map


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 28/10/2012, at 11:56 AM, Timmy Turner <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wrote a library/extension for Cassandra 0.8 a while back, and would
> like to update it to the current version now, however I can't really
> find any articles on what has changed in Cassandra. I read the
> changelog, but those points are too detailed, and it's hard to
> determine what impact they really have on the functionality.
> The last things I remember are that CQL v3 was scheduled for 1.1 and
> supercoloumns would be removed and replaced by compound columns (and
> included in CQL). Has that already happened?
> Also it would be interesting to know whether there is any kind of
> roadmap for Cassandra for new features or functionality that may be
> introduced in upcoming versions, or features that may be removed in
> future versions.
> Thanks!

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