More background

> So does this mean that in CQL 3 an explicit schema is absolutely
> mandatory? 
Not really, it sort of depends on your view.

Lets say this is a "schema free" CF definition in CLI

  create column family clicks
    with key_validation_class = UTF8Type
     and comparator = DateType
     and default_validation_class = UTF8Type

It could be used for wide rows with lots of columns, where the name is a date. 

As the article at the top says, this CQL 3 DDL is equivalent:

    CREATE TABLE clicks (
      key text,
      column1 timestamp,
      value text,
      PRIMARY KEY (key, column)

This creates a single row inside C*, column name is a date. The difference is 
CQL 3 pivots this one "storage engine" row into multiple CQL 3 rows. (See 

So far so good. Let's add some schema:

    CREATE TABLE clicks (
      user_id text,
      click_time timestamp,
      click_url text,
      PRIMARY KEY (user_id, click_time)

That's functionally the same but has some more schema in it. It tells CQL 3 
that the label to use for the name of a column is "click_time". Previously the 
label was "column1". 

> It's now impossible (within CQL) to add new
> (non-primary-key) columns only for individual rows implicitly with
> DML-queries (insert/update)?.
Is your use case covered in the article above ?

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 30/10/2012, at 2:31 AM, Timmy Turner <> wrote:

> Thank you! That article helps clear up a lot of my confusion about the
> changes between CQL 2 and 3, since I was wondering how to
> access/manipulate CompositeType/DynamicCompositeType columns through
> CQL.
> So does this mean that in CQL 3 an explicit schema is absolutely
> mandatory? It's now impossible (within CQL) to add new
> (non-primary-key) columns only for individual rows implicitly with
> DML-queries (insert/update)?.
> 2012/10/29 Sylvain Lebresne <>:
>> CQL3 does absolutely allow dynamic column families, but does it
>> differently from CQL2. See
>> --
>> Sylvain
>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Timmy Turner <> wrote:
>>> Does CQL3 not allow dynamic columns (column names) any more?

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