Assuming their were no further writes, running repair or using CL all should 
have fixed it. 

Can you describe the inconsistency between runs? 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 8/01/2013, at 2:16 AM, Brian Jeltema <> wrote:

> I need some help understanding unexpected behavior I saw in some recent 
> experiments with Cassandra 1.1.5 and Hadoop 1.0.3:
> I've written a small map/reduce job that simply counts the number of columns 
> in each row of a static CF (call it Foo) 
> and generates a list of every row and column count. A relatively small 
> fraction of the rows have a large number
> of columns; worst case is approximately 36 million. So when I set up the job, 
> I used wide-row support:
>     ConfigHelper.setInputColumnFamily(job.getConfiguration(), "fooKS", "Foo", 
> WIDE_ROWS); // where WIDE_ROWS == true
> When I ran this job using the default CL (1) I noticed that the results 
> varied from run to run, which I attributed to inconsistent
> replicas, since Foo was generated with CL == 1 and the RF == 3. 
> So I ran repair for that CF on every node. The cassandra log on every node 
> contains lines similar to:
>   INFO [AntiEntropyStage:1] 2013-01-05 20:38:48,605 
> (line 778) [repair #e4a1d7f0-579d-11e2-0000-d64e0a75e6df] Foo is fully synced
> However, repeated runs were still inconsistent. Then I set CL to ALL, which I 
> presumed would always result in identical
> output, but repeated runs initially continued to be inconsistent. However, I 
> noticed that the results seemed to
> be converging, and after several runs (somewhere between 4 and 6) I finally 
> was producing identical results on every run.
> Then I set CL to QUORUM, and again generated inconsistent results.
> Does this behavior make sense?
> Brian

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