Can you measure the incoming client traffic on the nodes in DC 1 on port 9160 ? 
That would be more of an Apples to Apples comparison. 

>> I've taken a look at some of the captured packets and it looks like
>> there's much more service information in DC-to-DC traffic compared to
>> client-to-server traffic -- although I am by no means certain here.

In addition to writes the the potential sources of cross DC traffic are Gossip 
and Repair. Gossip is pretty light weight (for a 4 node cluster) and repair 
only happens if you ask it to. There could also be hints delivered from DC 1 to 
DC 2, these would show up in the logs on DC1.

Of the top of my head the Internal RowMutation serialisation is not too 
different to the Thrift mutation messages.   

There is also a message header, it includes: Source IP, an int for the verb, 
some overhead for the key/values, the string FORWARD and the forwarding IP 

Compare this to a mutation message: keyspace name, row key, column family ID 
(int), column name, value + list/hash overhead.

So for small single column updates the ratio of overhead to payload is kind of 

>> - Is it indeed the case that server-to-server replication traffic can be
>> significantly more bloated than client-to-server traffic? Or do I need to
>> review my testing methodology?

The meta data on the inter node messages is pretty static, the bigger the 
payloads the lower the ratio of overhead to payload. This is the same as 
messages that go between nodes within the same DC. 

>> - Is there anything that can be done to reduce cross-DC replication
>> traffic? Perhaps some compression scheme?
fixed in 1.2


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 8/01/2013, at 11:36 PM, Sergey Olefir <> wrote:

> So with the holidays hopefully being over, I thought I'd ask again :)
> Could someone please help with answers to the two questions:
> - Is it reasonable to expect that cross-datacenter node-to-node replication
> traffic is greater than actual client-to-server traffic that generates this
> activity? Specifically talking about counter increments.
> - Is there anything that can be done to lower the amount of cross-datacenter
> replication traffic while keeping actual replication going (i.e. we can't
> afford to not replicate data, but we can afford e.g. delays in replication)?
> Best regards,
> Sergey
> Sergey Olefir wrote
>> Hi,
>> as part of our ongoing tests with Cassandra, we've tried to evaluate the
>> amount of traffic generated in client-to-server and server-to-server
>> (replication scenarios).
>> The results we are getting are surprising.
>> Our setup:
>> - Cassandra 1.1.7.
>> - 3 DC with 2 nodes each.
>> - NetworkTopology replication strategy with 2 replicas per DC (so
>> basically each node contains full data set).
>> - 100 clients concurrently incrementing counters at the rate of the
>> roughly 100 / second (i.e. about 10k increments per second). Clients
>> perform writes to DC:1 only. server-to-server traffic measurement was done
>> in DC:2.
>> - Clients use batches to write to the server (up to 100 increments per
>> batch, overall each client writes 1 or 2 batches per second).
>> Clients are Java-based accessing Cassandra via hector. Run on Windows box.
>> Traffic measurement for clients (on Windows) was done via Resource Monitor
>> and packet capture via Network Monitor. The overall traffic appears to be
>> roughly 700KB/sec (kilobytes) for ~10000 increments).
>> Traffic measurement for server-to-server was done on DC:2 via packet
>> capture. This capture specifically included only nodes in other
>> datacenters (so no internal DC traffic was captured).
>> The vast majority of traffic was directed to one node DC:2-1. DC2-2
>> received like 1/30 of the traffic. I think I've read somewhere that
>> Cassandra directs DC-to-DC traffic to one node, so this makes sense.
>> What is surprising though -- is the amount of traffic. It looks to be
>> roughly twice the amount of the total traffic generated by clients, i.e.
>> something like 1.5MB/sec (megabytes). Note -- this only counts incoming
>> traffic.
>> I've taken a look at some of the captured packets and it looks like
>> there's much more service information in DC-to-DC traffic compared to
>> client-to-server traffic -- although I am by no means certain here.
>> Overall I have a couple of questions:
>> - Is it indeed the case that server-to-server replication traffic can be
>> significantly more bloated than client-to-server traffic? Or do I need to
>> review my testing methodology?
>> - Is there anything that can be done to reduce cross-DC replication
>> traffic? Perhaps some compression scheme? Or some delay before replication
>> allowing for possibly more increments to be merged together?
>> Best regards,
>> Sergey
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