
I have a schema to represent a filesystem for my users. In this schema one of 
the CF stores a directory listing this way:

CF DirList

         File1:NOVAL File2:NOVAL ...

So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value. The 
file metadata is stored elsewhere. When listing the contents of a directory I 
fetch the row contents in batches (using pycassa's column_count and 
column_start) and always limit the number of columns that I want returned, so 
as not to occupy too much memory on the Cassandra server. However, if a certain 
user has deleted a lot of files in that dir and so has a lot of tombstones, 
even fetching with a column_count of 2 can pose problems to the Cassandra 
server. Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens 
simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops. Dumping the SSTables 
shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.

Is there anything, other than schema changes or throttling on the application 
side, than I can do to prevent problems like these? Basically I would like 
Cassandra to stop a query if the resultset already has X items whether they are 
tombstones or not, and return an error. Or maybe it can stop if the resultset 
already occupies more then Y bytes or the heap is almost full. Some safety 
valve to prevent a DoS.

I should point out that I am using 1.1.5, but I have not seen anything in the 
changelog that may reference this issue or more recent releases. Normally I run 
with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the 
heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.

Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual 
compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are 
efficient again.

André Cruz

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